One-year old child presenting with a partial-thickness burn on the inside of the arm; after 15 days of treatment with UrgoTul, the wound has fully epithelialised11
A 13-month-old child presenting with a traumatic wound on the forehead following a road traffic accident; after 7 days the wound has healed11
For more in-depth information about the UrgoTul and UrgoTul Ag difference, please see the following resources and product brochures.
1. Meaume S. Urgotul®: a novel non-adherent lipidocolloid dressing. British Journal of Nursing. 2002, Vol 11, N°16. 2. Bernard FX et al. Effects of a lipidocolloid dressing on the production of the extracellular matrix. Journal des Plaies et Cicatrisations, 2007 (study conducted on Urgotul). 3. Bernard FX et al. Stimulation of the proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts in vitro by a lipidocolloïd dressing. Journal of Wound Care, May 2005; 14 (5): 215-220 (study conducted on Urgotul). 4. Meaume S et al. The importance of pain reduction through dressing selection in routine wound management: the MAPP study. J Wound Care. 2004;13(10):409-13. 5. Study report No. S/2003-007/BIOalternatives. 6. FX. Bernard et al., Effects of dressings on cellular proliferation and evaluation of their adherence to fibroblasts by in vitro culture. Oral communication, CPC 2005 7. M. Le Berre, Y. Lurton et al., Coated dressings: gauzes/contact layers. Poster, CPC 2005, Paris. 8. M. Le Berre, Y. Lurton et al., Coated dressings: gauzes/contact layers. Oral communication, CPC 2005, Paris. 9. Benbow M., Iosson, G. A clinical evaluation of UrgoTul to treat acute and chronic wounds. Br J Nurs 2004; 13: 2, 105–109. 10. White, R., Cowan, T., Glover, D. Supporting evidence-based practice: review of TLC healing matrix (2nd edition). MA Healthcare Ltd, London, 2015. 11. A. Le Touze et al., Interest of a new dressing (UrgoTul) in the management of wounds in a pediatric setting: results from a european clinical study. Poster, CPC 2005, Paris.
Prior to use, be sure and read the entire Instructions for Use package insert supplied with the product for Device Intended Use, Description, Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions, Adverse Events, and Instructions for Use.
1.UrgoTul Ag data on file. 2. Lazareth I., Meaume S., Sigal-Grinberg M-L, et al. The Role of a Silver Releasing Lipido-colloid Contact Layer in Venous Leg Ulcers Presenting Inflammatory Signs Suggesting Heavy Bacterial Colonization: Results of a Randomized Controlled Study. WOUNDS 2008;20(6):158–166.
Prior to use, be sure and read the entire Instructions for Use package insert supplied with the product for Device Intended Use, Description, Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions, Adverse Events, and Instructions for Use. Caution: Federal laws restrict this device to sale or on the order of a physican or licensed healthcare professional.